Sunday, September 20, 2009

Will you pray for me?

I really try to post positive, upbeat, fun and interesting things. So I am giving you a heads up, if you read this post you might think differently of me.

For several months now I have been questioning my value to others. Do I really matter? If I wasn’t here, would I be missed? I know you might be thinking, come on Hollie of course you matter and would be missed, but truly my insecurities are getting the best of me right now. To many times I have made people big and God small. There are many reasons why I feel this way but I won’t get into them. All I’m asking for is prayer. Would you lift me up today and ask the Lord to send some encouragement my way? Would you ask the Lord to help me with these insecurities and help me to believe despite my circumstances that I do matter and that I do have value? I know what scripture says but I am struggling with believing it tonight.

This is a selfish post, I know, but ask the Lord to make less of me and more of HIM!

Thanks for your prayers!



Beth said...

Hollie, for what it's worth you were always a sweet and encouraging when we got to work together. I'm sure this is just a season in your life and God will show you just how valuable you are. Keep the faith, you are a preciously and wonderfully made!

JK said...

Hollie Farmer!! Let me give you a peace of encouragement that I was given when I was sitting where you sit every day. You change lives. By nature of what you do and the sacrifices you've made, it's obvious God is very big to you! Because of your "obvious" love for him, you are valued and would definitely be missed if for some reason you had to leave this earth. It's those whose Jesus' light shines through that make a difference in this world! And you're one of those. Love and miss you every day!!

Christy said...

I have been struggling with these same questions for a while now Hollie. It has gotten so bad at times that I would catch myself making out my funeral guest list in my head. I know it sounds cliche' but you are not alone in this battle and these thoughts do not make you a selfish person. This is spiritual warfare at it's best (or should I say worst!) The enemy sees someone like you, devoting your life to Christ's kingdom and serving others, as a real threat so he will use any tactic he can to bring you down. Don't buy into these lies girl. You are a virtuous lady and a wonderful role model for others whether you realize it or not. :)