Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My ankle

I have to put a disclaimer out there for this post:
I don't have the prettiest feet in the world; with all the years of dancing in point toes, barefooted, and dance boots my feet have taken a beating over the years (and I am only 27). So when you look at these pictures just look at the ankle!

My friend Clair and I were running our weekly trail at the park and it had been raining so we were being careful. Lately we both have been tripping a lot and we attribute that to our tennis shoes. I am going on over a year now and the support is just not there. Well I tripped yesterday and it stung a little but I kept going. When I got home last night after making dinner (taco salad) I noticed my ankle was a little swollen. I didn't think too much of this because it's done this before. (There was this one time in college when I hurt it bad, freshmen year).

Today I woke up to an even bigger ankle...what is the deal? It does sting a little and my brave, strong husband tells me I'll be fine but still I can't get over how fat my ankle is!
See pictures below, your sympathy is appreciated!

This is the normal ankle: This is the swollen ankle:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Two weeks ago my mom, sister-in-law and niece came to visit me. I was so excited. See pictures!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Wow, so much has been going on lately that I haven't been able to write. Last week we were at the beach all was wonderful. I had a great time with Robby, my sisters and step-mom and we also met up with some friends. But God also used the time to speak to my heart, I will write about it soon.

Monday was my friend Kimberly's last day with our church, the time has come for her and Jarvis to move to Birmingham. I think most of us kept thinking the day would never come...and when the day did come it was so sad. We are losing our partners in the gospel and very good friends. Needless to say it's been a whirlwind of emotions lately. I'll write more when I get time but for now see pictures below.